Avalon Eidolon Diamond-Worth it?

I love my Avalon Eidolon and was wondering if it's worth the price of admission to upgrade to the Diamond model.
I am an Avalon lover,and owner.Yet,once Avalon switched their philosophy from "sealed" enclosures to a ported design,I became very suspicious!

Yes,I know it was under new ownership,but c'mon,the attitudes,especially those expressed in the "superlative" owners manual(which is a superb "read") about the significant advantages of a sealed enclosure,really got me thinking(something I don't like to do-:).

So,I gave the original Eidolon a good audition,and stayed with my "way underrated" Ascent Mk-II.I'm really glad I did,because(though some might feel otherwise....I certainly don't)the Eidolon was simply a sidegrade,to me....At best!!

I felt it definitely had more WAF,but the Ascent is an absolute textbook design,and "way overbuilt",not unlike the stuff Magico is doing today!

Six inch thick front,sealed design,external crossover,88 db sensitivity,easy 6 ohm load,and "the" sophisticated damping circuit in crossover,allowing each driver to basically see their own amp,from just "one"!....Not to mention it still has an amazing level of inner detail and air!...I've been really open minded about replacing it,but I no longer am susceptible to industry hype....As long as my ears tell me otherwise.Btw,they are simply gorgeous too!!

Charles Hansen(I think we know his credentials,by now)really went for it,in this speaker...so...

What I did was to employ a REL Stentor sub,to reinforce the "lowest" octave,as in my room I have the speaker out about seven feet.They replaced a big four tower Infinity design,so the "absolute bottom octave" does benefit here.

I admit I've been fascinated with the "labeling" of the Eidolon "Diamond",and I am sure it IS superb,but I have not heard it,and am not going to drive fifty miles for an audition.I can't believe(I do hope I am wrong)it is SO much better than the very good Eidolon!

Just my two cents...and personal taste!Nothing more!!


Sirspeedy what is your system?

I've seen many great post from you but I don't know what components you have.
Sir Speedy's advice is good. Sealed boxes are usually better in bass transient response ( less bass but generally tighter and more accurate ).

If all you are missing is that last bit of bass response then why not get a sealed sub like a JL F113...
Please don't misinterpret my comments(just opinion).If you feel the "Diamond" is what you "want/like" then I am sure you will be very happy!

Good luck
My system consistes of "modded" Avalon Ascent Mk II's,Rel Stentor sub....HIGHLY MODDED Audio Research SP-15(Great Northern Sound now has it again for a second time,for V-Teflon cap additions)....Three very low noise Siemens CCa 6922's in phonostage of pre....A "custom" Jeff Rowland two chassis 8t amp(Jeff was nice enough to give me a his latest thoughts on how the latest technology aids this amp,in the new seperate power supply chassis).

A Sota Cosmos series IV table/Graham Phantom arm/Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge....Cd player is a Levinson 390s....Most importantly(surprisingly)an Exact Power EP-15a line regenerator,with an additional Exact Power Ultrapure connected for "balanced" regenerated power....All in a dedicated purpose built room,and a nice LP/cd collection....Thirty five years worth of collecting music seriously....but too much angst lately,as the system has gotten quite complex,and I am getting tired of "voicing" it,to the latest gizmo....It's nice to just play music!

Cables from Transparent,Cardas tri wired speaker cables,Electraglide.

Power cords from PS Audio(for power conditioners)and Harmonic Technology. VPI record cleaner/DIY LP flattener/Furitech CD demag unit.

All in all I am very pleased with how it sounds to "me",and it is NOT the best system around,but I like it alot....Oh yeah,I've been having gremlins for a few months,but the fix is on the way.

Sorry to seem a bit ego here,but someone did ask about the set up,something I don't mention alot....I have friends with better stuff...particularly the amazing set up of Sid Marks,who defies science/physics with his sound,it is SO good!!AND half of his system is NOT the latest stuff,but absolutely DOES MUSIC!!
