Avalon Indra, Eidolon, Opus comparison

I'm considering upgrading to Avalon speakers, and came down to Eidolon, Indra and Opus(non-ceramic).
Price for used Eidolon and Indra are around the 10K range, while Opus will cost significantly less.
My listening room is measuring 17x13x8 ft.
and I'm using a 250watt Gryphon solid state amp
Can anyone give me some advice?
I sure hope your amp is 1-2 ohm stable, Avalons are infamous for presenting extremely demanding loads...

Well, I just did a bit of research on the Gryphon amps, and if they cannot properly power those speakers, NOTHING can!

Very nice amps, for sure...

Your room is a bit small for the Eidolons. Indras or Opus would be much better. Never heard the Indras but the Opus a great speakers for your sized room. But the Indras did replace the Opus in the line I believe.