Avalon's "Symbol": Good As "Other" $3500 Spks??

Need input about Avalon Acoustics "Symbol" speaker and how it compares to other speakers in the $3500 price range, like Revel F-30, Audio Physic Tempo3i, Totem's "Forest". How deep and tight is the bass, considering it uses only two 5.5 inch drivers for the mids and lows. Is the "soundstaging" and "imaging" as good as the more expensive Avalon speakers. Or, is this just a Home Theater product which does not qualify as "hi-end" sound?? The Symbols look cool, but seem fairly expensive for what they offer. Are they really worth their retail price??
I owned a pair for a short time. I felt they were way over priced. (bought demos) Avalon's other more expensive speakers are great and maybe worth the money but the symbols are not built to the same quality and the drivers they use in the symbols would never be considered in their other models. After about a month in my system I could not stand their thin & bright sound. I replaced with Tyler Acoustics Lynbrook Signatures and my system came alive. Alot of people believe that Avalon's are all over priced but their other models do sound outstanding. With the symbols you are paying more for their name and I would look at other brand in the $3500 range.
I replaced the Revel's with a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1's. Lots of detail, good punch and excellent midrange. I thought the M20's highs were a little harsh. The VR-1's have an equally forward sound but, with a more natural timbre.

I'll be demo'ing a pair of GR-Research Criterions as well. I've heard the Diluceo's and they are incredible.
FYI.. just another update... the VR1's are out... they do have a natural timbre but, not as accurate in the details as I'd like. Also, in my small room, they were a little glaring. I'm working very hard to treat the room...

I've recently bought Green Mountain Europa's.. so far, these are the best speakers I've heard for my tastes. They're neutral and full of detail... inner detail is stunning. I can hear the body of the guitar and the highs are not the least bit harsh... but, rich in detail.

They need a sub, which I have...

The Criterion's are still on their way... this will be the final 'shootout' to determine which speaker I'll keep.

I auditioned them recently against some Quad 12L's and I felt the Quad's were much better in terms of midrange fluidity and overall musicality. The Quads gave up just a little in terms of soundstaging and imaging, but were far better at 1/3 the price.
Ended up with Green Mountain Europas. They sound most like actual music to me. (in an 11x12x9' room with hardwoods and a good bit of room treatments). They do need a small sub, though.

The highs aren't ultra-extended and the lower bass isn't perfect but, for 90% of what I can hear, they sound most like what actual voices and instruments sound like. That was my goal.... Goal realized...
