Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII

Has anyone had the oppertunity to compare Uno's to the newer La Scala MKII's with good associated gear and set up properly? Is the Klipsch even comparable with modified cross overs & after market drivers?
Renmeister, you called me twice 10 days ago and then emailed me again yesterday. I have returned your phone calls and returned your emails, but have not heard back from you.

I AM an Avantgarde dealer and have been for over 10 years. I handle service and warranty issues for all of my Avantgarde customers, of which there are many. And that includes Avantgarde customers throughout the US.

If you have concerns about warranty, service or any other issues, then please call or shoot me an email....thx....Bob,
Rhapsody Music and Cinema, NYC....212-229-1842
A friend had recently purchased a La scala, it has already been sold on, beautiful cabinet , sound, errr, no and definitely not in the same league as the Avantgarde's ..

Weseixas. Stock Lascala (original) cabinets have major resonance and vibrational problems, which destroy any potential for enjoying them, especially at near field......more info on this can be found on AA and the Klipsch site.