Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?
Yes Raul, I chose the Acutus rig over the SME rig by ear because I did not have the time or inclination to assess the 27 possible permutations of the 3 turntables, 3 tonearms and 3 cartridges at hand. I do not have the luxury of your incredible analog system that offers 12 different analog combinations simultaneously. I have to rely on my dealer whom I trust to do the footwork then go by my ears after he narrows the field for me. And to my ears the Acutus as assembled won. Beat the "best". Just like when those pesky Japanese cars upstage the Germans in those impertinent American car rags. Imagine that. For the record, I'm wondering which of the 243 possible analog combinations of your current system do you prefer?

Regards and do the math.
Dear Khrys: Good for your choice.

Maybe in the next 10 years I can tell you which one I prefer.

Regards and enjoy the music.
When you say "won," what does that mean. Won sonically? Or you preferred combination of sonics and looks on the Acutus?
Gladstone, that's a good question. I meant sonically but as Raul points out I was comparing analog front end "systems" and not the turntables separately with all other variables identically matched. But I think it is noteworthy that I still preferred the Acutus as configured to the SME without cost being a factor. And I don't think anyone would claim that there is a better mate for the 30/2 than the SME V nor would they believe that it was the Benz alone that accounted for my preference. The elegance of the Acutus was the icing on the cake, not the deal clincher. I am sure there are many who would see "form-as-function" perfection in the neo-industrial look of the SME but do those people even listen to records anymore?
The SME is pretty ugly. But let me followup: what was it about the sound of the Acutus that you preferred? Smoother, more detailed, more relaxed, more dynamic...?