Avoid Sonos - Shoddy update impairs and bricks systems - company gaslighting


Your choice…. But just a warning to fellow agoners. I suggest you don’t touch Sonos with a ten foot pole…they recently bricked my system and 1000s of others in a half-assed “courageous” update intended to support another, future product/direction


They, including the CIO, are outright lying about the current state and magnitude of their product’s impairment (sound familiar? ; )


Anyone who doesn’t believe me…please…go to their own customer forums…people are BEGGING for a back-out of the update so they can listen to their OWN music. Some don’t even have ability to modify, turn off their previous alarms! (I will give Sonos the slightest bit of credit for them not censoring their own forum (sadly, that’s where we are these days…credit for not censoring ; )


I have two Moves and a Port…I loved them (the moves sounded outstanding!)....the upgrade basically made them paperweights. I can only get one of my moves to do Bluetooth, that’s it!


Never ever again will I purchase Sonos equipment…and the truth is….there are thousands that have been hit harder than me…I still have my main separate system and music library. There are people that have spent tens of thousands filling their house with Sonos equipment…that are out of commission…just so the company can sell headphones nobody will want!


Funny too…just read a financial article saying BUY BUY BUY Sonos stock…all while the comments sections are full of their livid customer base, saying their systems are non-functional…and there’s no realistic hope of their issues being addressed and that the stock’s probably not a good buy, after all 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Countless hours have been wasted by me and others trying to resolve our issues, reset/reconfigure our systems.


This was a FORCED upgrade…they could have and still can offer the old version, but they choose not to…because it might make them look bad?🤣🤣🤣


Sonos’ arrogance and obfuscation is shocking…even by today’s standards.



(P.S. this is Very much like the 1Password debacle…for those familiar!)


oh….one other not so flattering thing…that, thankfully, may force Sonos hand to ‘ Give people back their systems’


…they’ve reportedly taken away or ‘unknowingly’ let slip key accessibility features that are encumbering blind folks use of the product… those which have systems that work at all.


yes, folks without hyperbole that’s where we’re at!