Awsome Remote??

I'm looking for a good universal remote to replace the individual ones I now use for my theater/stereo system componets. I have a Dish Network 4000 SAT, so I guess I need a remote that will transmit UHF commands as well as IR. I'm told the 4000 uses UHF only. Any suggestions? Prices? Thanks.
The reason why these people are "internet loser dorks" is because the learning curve is so steep, there're the only ones who can get the bloody things to work. Actually, there is a whole library of remote commands for a wide variety of electronic devices, that you can download. I have a pronto and its power is awesome but difficult to use. It has no built in commands. I THINK the difference between it and the Marantz is that the Marantz has a library of codes built in, and then you can download others. I wish I had known.
"internet loser dorks?" uhh, what is it we're doing? "audio loser dorks?" myself included. :)
how are they different from you???? Do they put their pants on backwards?? Just wondering.