Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe??

I sold my beloved, magnificent Meridian G08 CD player. I am looking to replace it with either the Ayre C-5xe or the C-7xe. I have not heard either but both seem to have great reviews and Ayre seems to be a great company. That said, is it worth the difference in price for the 5-xe vs the 7-xe on redbook CD? I listen to a lot of jazz and some new age. I don't know if there is a big selection of high quality SACD or DVD-A's to justify the extra dough for the 5-xe. However, I still might spring for it if it is superior to the 7xe on redbook CD.

I am seeking the input and advice from those who may have listened to both players. Thanks in advance.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
Just picked up a used CX7e and am expecting delivery later this week. I've contacted Ayre about the MP upgrades and they are apparently backlogged unti November right now. So I guess I'll get to know this player for a while and see what other's impressions of the new MP upgrade are before I take the plunge myself (or not, depending).

So please post your impressions of pre-MP and post-MP as you arrive at them.

Bob, there is a whole thread discussing the MP vs. non-MP CX7e, as well as some comments on measure vs. listen filter settings over on the asylum digital page about half way down.
Yes, I've seen that thread. But I expect that as the mod gets out into the world we'll be hearing more about it. It sounds like the change is not at all subtle, so I'm sure there will be both good and bad reactions to that.