I have had mine for quite some time and have heard no read decernable differnce whether it is on Ayre Cuboids, Vibrapods, AQ Feet, Black Racing Cones or just a wooden shelf. I think the Ayre is built so well that isolation devices bring any real change to it's performance.
To address your remote question, I would like to see the new style remote. Mine is still in the box as I use a universal remote. I had ordered a Pioneer remote that worked to gain a few functions that were not on the orginal remote. I had seen your ad but haven't taked the time to investigate the other style. My only caviate is when and IF I ever sell the C5 would the original remote be a stumbling block for the buyer. I will get back to you should I see a benefit
To address your remote question, I would like to see the new style remote. Mine is still in the box as I use a universal remote. I had ordered a Pioneer remote that worked to gain a few functions that were not on the orginal remote. I had seen your ad but haven't taked the time to investigate the other style. My only caviate is when and IF I ever sell the C5 would the original remote be a stumbling block for the buyer. I will get back to you should I see a benefit