Ayre DX-7 CD / DVD - Need laser head replaced - anyone know who I can pay to help me?

I have a very nice Ayre DX-7 transport that needs the laser pick up replaced. I need the part, I am told it’s an older Pioneer laser head. I need help finding the part and someone that can help me do work. Can anyone help or recommend someone? Thanks 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Should I call Ayre to confirm or if you think this is it I will buy it. Such a good idea to replace the whole thing. I’m psyched!
No, pop the top on it and have a look to see if it’s the same.
If your not sure take pic of it and post it here using Image Hosting https://imgbb.com/

If it is the same, even if you have VERY BASIC mechanical/electrical ability, just do it yourself, it’s easy.
Just don’t have a gorilla fist when doing up the screws again remember it’s just plastic.
Do not buy just the laser, far harder to fit.

Cheers George

I am looking forward in reading more about this project.
I own an AYRE DX-5 universal spinner that is superb in sound quality.

Happy Listening!
A replacement version was bought on eBay - not too hard to hard to install - wasn’t too expensive.