Ayre Monoblocks vs. Linn Klimax Solo 500s

Has anyone had a chance to compare the two. I have an all Ayre system now, except I am using the Linn Klimax mono amps driving Sophia 2s. Sound is fantastic, but I wonder if it would greatly improve with the new Ayre Monoblocks? Any ideas?
Hi anderparis

This is very interresting reading to me since my balancing on buying eather the solos or other small monoblok amplifires.

What speakers did you use for testing and what frontend did you use ?


perhaps the MX-Rs were yet to be broken in. I hear that while they can sound great out of the box... they will sound like nothing special until they are broken in well... then they really shine
One thing that is more important then enything else with thise two typs of amps is what kind of speakers will the be driven,

I had a chance to hear the linn klimax chakra twin the other day
and we tried it with 3 different kinds of speakers and the end result was that the linn dos not suit speakers that are clinical dry or brigt sounding very well .
However with a pair of sonus faber concerto it was heaven.