Ayre Parasound Pass : where are you?

I’ve been thinking a little bit about three different types of SS amplifier sounds. I’m not really sure what to call them, but I have a definite preference. Here is the spectrum in my mind:

Ayre <--> Parasound <--> Pass 

On the one hand is Ayre and Arcam. Yeah, fight me, but there are big similarities to the sound. I also loved the Pono and what it did for my IEMs, using the Ayre designed output stage. I wish Fiio would license it too.

In the middle is Parasound Halo and ICEpower Class D modules (I’ve owned both) which to me are identical in sound quality. Clearly I’m happy with them for the price!

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Pass. A sound I really don’t like.

But regardless of which you like, what do you think the differences are?

What spectrum do you use to think about solid state amplifiers??
looks like Ayre is moving 5 miles to bigger digs....congrats and as such having a moving sale...see your local dealer for details...
i have no dog in fight
only bit of Ayre kit at moment is the A2D in my mobile recording rack....a ref level a2d would be badA !!!!!!

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Pass has the best sound by far and is a great company as well.The other 2 are far behind in sound and build quality.Enjoy!!!
After eight years of owning a Bryston 4B-SST² I can say that it can be made to sound like ANYTHING I WANT

@elizabeth  I'm confused by your statement. Is it the amp that sounds different or is it your system based on the changes you are making (attributable to those changes)? Thanks.
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