I have owned Vandy speakers for many years, and have found
they aren't too fussy about the amp paired with them,
1. the amp has enough power to "wake them up" --
Vandy's are a bit reticent at low volumes;
2. the amp is tonally well-balanced, since Vandies can be a
bit too "rich"in the mid-range.
I know that Richard V. often uses Audio Research amps with his
speakers at audio shows, so you might try to borrow an ARC amp
for a trial run in your home. From my own experience, I know
that both Bryston and Ayre amps pair well with Vandies. I
currently own the Bryston 4B-SST2 and I think it's terrific
with my 3A Sig's. Not sure about your budget, but the Bryston
B-135 SST2 is a fine integrated amp that should be on your
audition list.
they aren't too fussy about the amp paired with them,
1. the amp has enough power to "wake them up" --
Vandy's are a bit reticent at low volumes;
2. the amp is tonally well-balanced, since Vandies can be a
bit too "rich"in the mid-range.
I know that Richard V. often uses Audio Research amps with his
speakers at audio shows, so you might try to borrow an ARC amp
for a trial run in your home. From my own experience, I know
that both Bryston and Ayre amps pair well with Vandies. I
currently own the Bryston 4B-SST2 and I think it's terrific
with my 3A Sig's. Not sure about your budget, but the Bryston
B-135 SST2 is a fine integrated amp that should be on your
audition list.