B&W 685C's

I am finally able to recoup my equipment from the closet, but the Polk 7B's were destroyed by the moisture in the shop. So the decision on what to replace them with will also mean deciding if whatever I get will work good with the equipment driving them. The closet shopping list includes:
NAD 20 preamp, 2140 amp, 4020A tuner, NAK CA5 preamp, old 420 amp, NEC T6 tuner, and a Denon DCD-910 cd player. What do you guys think about my choices here?
I don't even want to mention required placement of the speakers, it isn't good. :( Loren
I still stand by a lot of what I said. Still, you are looking for speakers that are going to sound good where you need them to be.

The upside is that if you have a Best Buy with a Magnolia in it, you can get the 685s and try them. If you don't like them, you can return them.
But then again, I see good discussion about the chorus 706. seem to be more efficient, good price, no near dealer to listen to them tho. If I already had a bigger amp I may still be focused on the 685's but taking your comments about being tougher to drive has me wondering.
Well, getting into an amp with more power and good performance isn't that hard. I feel that buying an older amp is one way to get a good deal on a piece of equipment.

I've seen Aragon 2004, ATI1502 and even a Son of Ampzilla go for under $400 and in many cases closer to $300.

You might want to take a look at the Tekton mLore. Lots of buzz about those right now.
Ok, question for anyone interested. I noticed in this thread, http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1344042165&openflup&27&4#27 that none of the speakers I've mentioned are in there. Am I missing something big, stuck in the mud, or are those speakers way above what my target system is? Should I really open my views up to all these, none of which I've even heard of?