B&W 800 Series D3 vs D4

Hi,  has anyone here heard or owned both D3 and the latest D4 version of B&W 800 series speakers?  I would love to hear your opinion comparing the 2 versions.   Is it better or worse in all frequency range (high, mid, & bass)?  and is it worth the money to move up from last gen D3 to the current D4?

I currently own a pair of B&W 804 D3, and have been thinking about replacing it with the 803 D4.  So far I'm pretty happy with the 804 D3.  I only wish it has more slam in the bass area.  Also, I don't listen to music very loud anymore.  I have some hearing loss and tinnitus, and loud sound always elevates my tinnitus, so I'm careful with the volume these days,

Anyway,  love to hear your experience if you have heard both D3 and D4. 

Thanks very much!

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Hello,  I just demoed the B&W 804D4s today with a McIntosh MA352 hybrid integrated with 5 band eq. I too have hearing damage call Hyperacusis from self inflicted loud volume over the years, my ears are always ringing and high frequencies are now painful. Current rig is Spendor D7s, REL B2, and Modwright KWI200, magic until my recent hearing change. Thus the Mac MA352 evaluation.

I went in the store, Qobuz with a low end streamer, The Mac MA352, and the B&W 804Ds. Discovered new magic for us hearing impaired with EQ minor adjustments (slight bass boost, minor high end trim, minor cut with the middle eq. Closed Demo  room ~16x16 feet). The sound was relaxed, meaty mids, no sub required. The sound stage was recessed and a bit narrow, but the speakers were  only ~ 7 feet apart. (my current rig sound stage is 3D, wide, 3rd row center seat, and insists you pay full attention at all times as a comparison that my hearing change no longer enjoys). Did not demo the B&W 804D3, but the photo shows a front port, whereas the 804D has a downward base firing port, thus suspect a different bass profile and placement consideration.

My ears did not enjoy the 804Ds in the Mac 352 flat eq position, the few minor eq tweaks made a big difference. The pre-amp tubes and speakers warming up also helped. I played harsh high frequency old rock /prog rock via Qobuz, (Yes, Aerosmith, Alice Copper, etc) for worse case  Hyperacusis pain test. Very impressed, a winner for me.

That said, would suggest a demo of the Mac MA 352 with you current speakers and then the 804D4s. I demoed @ Paradyme in Sac CA. Lastly, I am not a audiophile, only a aging rocker attempting to find a solution for a similar to your hearing situation, thus the post. Cheers





I got hit with Tinnitus and constant ear ringing 2 years ago when I moved from sea level to high elevation. It’s definitely the upper mids and highs that sound shrill and distorted. In my car, music does not sound shrill and music is easy to listen too. It sounds good but it's a rolled off sound from a 2023 car.

I think both the amp and speakers play an equally important role. I am about to post am discussion to ask about warm sounding integrated amps with dacs. Then once I find one, I will start pairing speakers with them. No speaker will please you if paired with sharp DAC or analytical amp.  Not all tube amps are warm.

PS: I have older B&W 804s and B&W Matrix that I used to love until Tinnitus hit me.




I know this is almost a year later, but I just read it and this might help.

I own the 803 D3. Mine also were a little light in the bass.

A couple of JL Audio subs took care of the problem.

Hope that helps.