B&W 801 s 3 or????

I am currently running B&W 801series3 /Lexicon MC8 Pre pro /Krell FPB 400 cx Amp/ McCormack UDP 1 front end. I like the way things are sounding right now. But I would like more effeciency from the speakers. At 87 db the 801's seem to lack prescence when listening to "large group" recordings. ie: Symphony Orchestra or Concert Band/ Wind Ensemble. The 801's sound spectauclar when listening to well recorded "studio" recordings.

My Question: Is there another FULL range speaker which posses the same type of sound characteristics, (Great bass, neutral mids and highs and very non fatigueing on the ears,) as the 801's, but is more efficient? I would probably get a good used speaker b/c the break in thing drives me crazy. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Oldpet- In my case I am looking at the Usher line. The price/performance seems very good. A buddy has heard the 8871's are were excellent although not fully broken in when he heard them, his feeling was they sounded much better than their price(which is not cheap) and competed with speakers costing alot more. I am thinking of trying the 6381's as I think they'd be better suited for my moderate size 19x23 room. Ill let you know if I get them and what I think._Ken
Thanks for some of the ideas.
Audiobugged...Where did you hear your Talons?
Steveaudio...I'm not giving up yet, but I don't think the amp is the problem. The 400cx has plenty of juice.
French_fries....Huh?...Are you saying the upstream electronics are bad?
Any one know how the Tyler Acoustics line up compares?
Kehut, sounds like you've been pondering this for a while. Thanks for the info. I've never heard of the Usher line of speakers. I'd love to know what you think of them.
Yes, I actually came across my pair of 801's as they were my Dads. It was quite unexpected actually. They replaced a pair of VonSchweikert VR2's which were good sounding after breaking in..but just too forward for my tastes and not quite dynamic enough as I felt they compressed the highs more than I liked when pushed. So, Iv'e made the most of the 801's since Iv'e aquired them. Usher Audio has quite a line up of some interesting speakers and they were very well regarded at the CES show this year. Everyone I spoke with who has them just loves them. Ill keep you updated.
Boy, I hear you. We could be looking all different stuff 6 mos from now. the way things change! I hope not..but Im sure there is something Ill want to try down the road! Cheers!