B&W 801 vs 803s

About to finish my home theater room have B&W 803s right now and have a chance to upgrade to 801. both are nautilus series.. my room is 13 feet by 24 feet with 8 foot cieling. do you think the 801 are to big for my room. thanks for your opinions in advance..
Being wealthy has nothing to do with how long you keep your speakers. The great thing about Audiogon is you can try many different speaker brands and if you decide to try something else you don't have to lose your ass when you sell them.

Just make a somewhat decent buy and selling them shouldn't cost much at all. Play your cards right and you may even make a buck or 2! Sometimes its just fun to try new things.

Good luck with your purchase
Mpit, don't be an ass. The Watt Puppy 8s are relatively new and cost about $28K, way more than the 801N, which are discontinued and which the OP is obviously going to buy used. Even second-hand WP8s would cost ways more than the 801N. What a pointless and self-serving comparison.
well said Dylanhenry

HEre it go the prices MSRP
N801 - USD11K
801D - USD18K
WP7 - USD22,5k
WP8 - USD27,9K

The 801D should play less than WP7 as it cost almost USD5K more. So thereĀ“s no way to compare or judge a speaker that have different price.
Well I think it is some what fair to compare Wilsons to B&W. How much do N801 cost use $4000-$5000? On audiogon there is a pair of Wilson Audio Sophia 1s for just under &6,000 right now.

I think for most people a grand either way is doable.
yes dude. But in this case THESE 2 models cost the same price used or NEW.

We are not discussing about marks but SPEAKER PRICES. THe most important is compare speaker at the SAME price range.