The difference between a Subaru Forester (a great car, BTW) and an BMW X-3 can best be appreciated by driving them both. What more can one do with 4 wheels and a motor?
To me, the difference in the driving experience was well worth the extra money, but I'm sure there are people out there who would not have noticed the difference. In that case, it would be silly to purchase the more expensive vehicle. Same with audio. I like the small B&Ws very much, but I have heard the Q1s and I think they are that much better. Unfortunately, I can't afford them, so I have to settle for the Subaru. That's life.
To me, the difference in the driving experience was well worth the extra money, but I'm sure there are people out there who would not have noticed the difference. In that case, it would be silly to purchase the more expensive vehicle. Same with audio. I like the small B&Ws very much, but I have heard the Q1s and I think they are that much better. Unfortunately, I can't afford them, so I have to settle for the Subaru. That's life.