B&W CDM 1 SE or CDM 1 NT

Can any one tell me the differences between these 2 speaker: The B&W CDM 1 SE and the CDM 1 NT. Which would be better with the Mcintosh 4100 Reciever for mainly classical music.
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Main difference is in the tweeter as pointed out by Audimiata. The CDM 1NT's tweeter carried down from the Nautilus line is more refined and open so I would say the 1NT is overall a better speaker.
The CDM1 1 NT sounded flat, mechanical and unmusical to me, while the CDM1 SE sounded balanced, acccurate, neutral and intensely musical. I would go with the SE model.
I too would agree that the SE sounds warmer and more lush than the NT. I tried the two extensively and bought the SE from one friend over an other. Either pair is a great speaker though.