B&W DM6, any good compared to speakers today?

I have an opportunity to pick up a vintage pair of B&W DM6's in great shape. How do they compare to todays speakers? I will be driving them with a Fisher 500C. I currently am using Kirksaeter 60's and some vintage AR 91's in my systems.
I got a pair of these Penguins or Pregnant speakers in 1978 when they were 1st manufactured right off the plane. I still have them. I still use them. They still sound amazing. Better for classical v hard metal, they still push plenty of air with a great amount of presence, no matter what the style of music playing.
I also have a pair of 804s along with (3) THX M8  and (2) SCM8 side speakers along with the 15" giant THX Bass speaker. Along with the 804s' for my Surround Sound. All the speakers are run my Bryston SST series amps, except the THX speakers, powered by a 5 Ch Rotel. 
The DM6's are amazing speakers. Even though they were built in 1978, they have held up great. Worth every penny if can pick up a pair in good shape. 
ANYONE WITH BROKEN DM6's and want to SELL PARTS. I need a SET OF STANDS. I took them off to mount the speakers and lost them over the years. Anyone know of alternative stands, please recommend them.
I still use my DM6's for reference, given that I am so used to how they sound. I may have a sentimental attachment to these. But that does not cloud my hearing. They are amazing speakers. Well Built and I think aesthetically pleasing looking speakers! Unique for sure.

I have a pair of DM6 speakers in very good shape (could almost say excellent shape), but I won't. Want to sell them but do not know what they are going for. Any suggestions?
I have a pair of DM6 speakers since 1978. They are in good condition and still sound good with two Naim 250 power amps. I am looking to upgrade an old Naim preamp to the Townshend Enigma passive preamp and power source. 
Before any upgrade I would advise recapping the DM6s, after the capa are over 40yrs old now. I just replaced the caps in mine and honestly the upgrade bug is gone, a great set of speakers just moved into the "amazing" bracket. Well worth the expense and effort.
I have a pair and they are better than most, Like many of you iv'e had Proac super towers which in essence sound similar but more tunneled when listening to the DM6s these just expand the sound across the whole area.  It was suggested that some Monitor Audios might sound great but they hadn't listened to DM6. I am looking to recap these can anyone help?...  Thank you