B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Bo1972. Please,I don't wish to be rude,however you are sabotaging this thread with irrelevent "information?". Please stop or I will be obliged to advise the moderators and request they review your often off topic or self indulgent comments. From the sound of it, many others don't appreciate your comments either. I believe as a group we are likely in a position to have you blocked. Please act accordingly. Peter
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This thread has become shameful. It was started as an invitation to discuss the improvements to the new B&W line, and to share comments about the aesthetics and how people feel about them. Bo has taken it completely off the rails, and it has devolved into a thread about his new business venture, his philosophies on audio reproduction, his feelings on the state of the audio industry, and his opinion (to which he is entitled, in all fairness) about how the new speakers aren't 3D enough.

It has been established that Bo dislikes the new D3 series, let's acknowledge that and move on. I myself recently got to hear the new series, and I posted a long writeup in another thread, and I'd like to see the thread get back on course.

(Is it just me, or does this happen too often here on AG? I'm a member of several other forums, Audiocircle, AVS, Hifiwigwam...I can't remember the last time a wigwam thread went off the rails like this. Just seems like this happens a lot here on AG. I sense a lot of hostility and exasperation here, which may mean that others are tired of this happening too)