B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Bcgator - Thanks for the observations in your post. When u say. 

Bcgator - That's about as unscientific as it gets, of course, but I've heard those effects on other speakers so I knew what to listen for and it just wasn't there.

Unscientific? Not so sure about that. This hobby is based on our ears and our own real rooms. To myself, what better way to know than with music you are familiar with if something is there or it isn't in a setup, especially if that room is close to yours in dimensions.  

I mentioned the 3 aspects in the last post. They are equally important in my experience. A copy and paste
Full range bass even with a speaker capable by design, and tested by the manufacturer, assumes a Listener room has the acoustic properties that allow those speakers to play those notes; and reproduced music is played back that actually contains those frequencies.

So based on your post of listening to familiar music, and assuming the speakers are full range and driven appropriately. That leaves (2) the Room. Curious how big this Magnolia room is in Arizona?

Did it look like this ?


For fun - looks like too much toe in to me in the pic, to meet the 9 ft. 10 " 802 minimum distance requirement for drivers to align?  Maybe just an illusion the way the picture was taken. In the video they are pointing straight. What can't be seen in the video within the link is how high the ceiling is and if it is closed at the back ? Really cool btw. No Magnolia's here in Ontario. Just your average Best Buy in one large industrial sized room.

Bcgator - On another day, in another room, maybe someone else would experience them differently.

Very true. You can't defy physics. Its a delicate balancing act sometimes amps/speaker/room. Too much room and the speaker can't pressurize it properly to hear the low bass. This can put a strain on the amplification. And all 800 series speakers will let you know if the amps are stressed. They get grainy in the HF. if using SS, I always try to shoot for over sized SS amps that stay in cruise mode on music peaks with 800 series. If the SS amp high frequencies can compete with my tube gear I am doing ok. 

Anybody find out any information on the crossovers?  Seems strange that there is no mention, unlike the D2 series which hilighted the Mundorf Caps etc...

Here is some info Dave.  

from absolute sound  

The crossover location was also changed. It used to be housed in the plinth but has now been moved against the heavy aluminum back panel, which acts as a heatsink. This update has permitted a new solid-aluminum plinth design which is not only more stable but less resonant.

Our good friend Bobby is all over the Absolute Sound article comments section   :^)  :^)   Where is Bo anyways ?

Here is one Crossover pic.  


good info in your post. 

When u say.

While I’m not really enamored by looks so much, this speakers measured performance and positive press are impressive. While certainly not inexpensive, their performance levels seem to be in line to their market competition so I would certainly have a listen to them.

As far as not being inexpensive, they are also still Made in England. This will be more expensive. I am not a Frequent Flyer with gear. It needs to pass the hardest test - the test of time. I don’t tolerate downtime or failures. The jury IMO is still out on offshore manufacturing. I can tell you that I have owned boutique amps where you get to know the manufacturer / designer well. They have ordered in the past inexpensive common parts like resistors/capacitors from offshore. I have heard horror stories on how a $2.00 part can fail, causing the 5 figure amp to fail. If the buyer is local ok - but what if they are in a different country or a situation where the amp needs to be shipped to be repaired.  

Is B&W all in house with 800 series parts ? Maybe I will send them an email to find out.

fwiw - My first B&W’s were new Dm2000’s bought new at Bay Bloor Radio in Toronto. My brother is still using them.

CT, the room in the photo at that link looks bigger than the room we were in, from the clearance on the sides, but hard to tell.   It was a nice-sized room, about as wide as my living room, but longer.  It's a rectangular shaped, long room with the 805 system on one end and the 802 on the other.  The amps in that photo, big McIntosh amps, that's exactly what was driving the 802D3 we heard.    I can call the store today for exact dimensions so we're not relying on my memory of the space, but I don't recall it being as spacious as the room at the link you posted.   We were sitting dead-center in the room, about 10' from the speakers.   And they were not toed-in at all.
Like I said, they made a big deal about the crossover in the 802D2!  Not a peep about the 803D3's crossover parts.  Also, have you looked at the new website?  It exudes mass market!  Very little content, no more society of sound etc..