03-20-09: Dog_or_man
The dedicated line has a safety ground.
If I could make a couple of suggestions.
First it appears part of your equipment is plugged into an old 2 wire branch circuit fed from the old Square D panel. The new 120V 3wire dedicated branch circuit is fed from the other GE electrical panel, which I assume is the main electrical panel. I personally would not feed an audio system connected together by ics from two different panels. Plug all your equipment just into the new dedicated branch circuit......
After you connect everything to the new dedicated circuit I would like you to try an experiment.
Power up your system put on some music and set the volume level to a moderate listening level. Then leave room go do something else for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes has past return to the room. Adjust the volume level to where you normally listen to your music. Then sit down and listen......
What is your first impression? Does everything sound ok?
After 20 or 30 minutes of listening does everything still sound the same way or worse as you have experienced in the past.
Post back your results.