Jmaldonado...Yes. As you say random circuit noise in each leg will appear at 1.414 amplitude at the differential output, wheras the signal will appear at twice amplitude. So there is a bit of noise reduction. S/N of my power amps is spec'd at <100 dB, and the source equipment is better. I'm not sure what another 3dB would buy me. As for distortion, there really isn't any to cancel.
The more even loading of the two rails of the power supply is a real benefit IF the power supply design is marginal.
Some amps are spec'd for power, both channels driven, with the two signals out of phase (like a balanced design amp).
The more even loading of the two rails of the power supply is a real benefit IF the power supply design is marginal.
Some amps are spec'd for power, both channels driven, with the two signals out of phase (like a balanced design amp).