Balanced Preamp recommendations up to $5,500

I am in the market for a preamp with balanced ins/outs up to $5,500. I do not have a preference for tubes or SS. I am slowly weening myself off of my Cronus Magnum, however, for the next year or so, I will use this integrated as a power amp. I can use this as a power amp as I have already checked. I am fine with new or used equipment.

I have been researching Pass Labs, McIntosh, ayre, rogue. I am open to suggestions for the brands I’ve listed as well as any I haven’t. I’m looking for great bass, no harsh or etched highs, holographic deep image and soundstage. Sound that is detailed yet fun and not analytical.

Current system

VPI Scout 1.1 TT
Lyra Delos MC
Pass Labs XP-15 Phono Pre
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (version 1 with KT120 tubes)
ZU Audio Soul MKII Speakers
ZU Mission MKII Phono and Interconnects
ZU Event MKI Power Cables


Thank You, 

Clarity as is usual. I think you know that I am saving my nickels and waiting for the final design of the Technics 10R. Hope they design it with “Other arms” in mind.
 I did receive a notice from, I believe Panasonic, that a new tonearm was being designed and would come out at a later date than the 10R.
Nothing is final until you actually see it on the market. So, I am waiting and saving.
You seem to have answered my question. That, it would benefit me to have the Tri-planar arm cable terminated with XLRs as long as I had appropriate inputs to plug into at the preamp or phonostage

You seem to have answered my question. That, it would benefit me to have the Tri-planar arm cable terminated with XLRs as long as I had appropriate inputs to plug into at the preamp or phonostage
@nkonor, If the phono section is actually balanced differential, yes. Its hard to imagine that it would not be, given how much dealers over the years have resisted using balanced connections on the phono! If you are comparing preamps for a customer, its a lot harder if one uses a different input connector. So it won't be there on a phono input unless it really works.

So the advantage is that the tone arm cable will simply not add or subtract from the signal in any way, which is quite unlike a single-ended connection where the cable can and will editorialize on whatever is going through it.

Seems to me if there is only one place to have a balanced connection, the phono is the place to do it. You'll get more of the signal and less of what isn't, which is what we are all after- the music.

I've heard both the 9.5" and 12" arms on the Technics SP10 MkIII, if the 10R is anything like that it will be one of the best arm/turntable combinations at any price. A lot does depend on how well Technics executes their plinth! I am looking forward to it...

Finally, a down to earth response not blurred buy techno crap. Thank You.
You know that I am waiting for the 10R and hope that Technics is paying attention .........

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