Balanced vs Single ended?

Is there a difference when you are using a Balanced IC vs anSingle ended IC when you are linking your CD to your pre amp or integrated amp? And if so what should you expect and would the difference be subtle or more "dramatic"?
Thnak you to everyone for your answers. I'm runnibg an integrated amp to my CD with 1 mtr single ended ICs, they were built to be matched from Ridgestreet Audio. I was wondering if using Balanced would provide still an even greater degree of definition and resolution for me which you all have answered for me very well. As far as noise floor goes I also use PS Audio Noise Harvesters at each outlet which gave a (for me) dramatic difference in presentation. At worst the longest run I'd ever be using is 1 mtr so I guess I'll be Ok then. Agaain Thank you everyone for your help.
Some feel that single ended is more natural and musical than Balanced. A lot of it will depend on the design of your gear and what is recommended.
If you live in Manhattan and you have to use a 7m interconnect, than you have to go balanced.