Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations

Latest system consists of Musical Fidelity A308 integrated, Arcam irDac and Revel F30 speakers. Looking for speaker cable and RCA interconnect recommendations that are best bang for the buck. Also asking for ideal “if money we’re not object” recommendations. 
If money is no object. Then I would be happy to fabricate custom silver cables. Air tube suspension, Sealed tube, and full spectrum shielding for starters. My work has replaced most of the cables listed so far in this thread. I have a showroom with examples of my silver cables in use and I expect to show cables at several shows this year including Munich. There is a dealer in Maryland with my copper cables in showrooms.
Kimber and cardas are best bang for buck and their best stuff is about as good as it gets too.

A lot of cable opinions. MIT is a cable manufacturer that gives a better preforming speaker/interconnect cable if you spend more money. If you have a good system, addressed AC noise to some degree, address room acoustics to at least a mid-level degree, MIT cable will easily improve the sound of your system at any price point. I have found them to repeatably be the best bang for the buck if you are trying to improve the musicality of your system. If you are looking to flavor your system, then many of these posts will help you. If you are looking for a lower noise floor, original sounds stage, full depth of note/octave with the correct transient’s decay and initial instrument attack MIT is an excellent choice.

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Lively, oozing color and tonal richness...
I could go on and on about the qualities these cables bring to the table... but I won't.

The FIDELIUMs are the first cables I've put in my system that made me forget about critiquing all the things audiophiles typically obsess over and just surrender to the gorgeous immersive musical experience unfolding around me.  

Probably the best money spent in my whole system.