Be-718 owners, what sub are you using?

I'm planning to add a subwoofer to fill in the lower octave. My room is 15x24 and I listen mostly to 2-channel jazz and indie rock (80%). I also watch movies from time to time in the same room, 2-channel only.

I've been looking at JL Audio and am leaning in that direction. I'd welcome any advice from others who are using the Tiny Dancers (Usher Be-718s).

What subs have you found easy to integrate?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for these excellent suggestions. I'm leaning toward a single JL Audio F112, at least to start with. I also like the Paradigm suggestion and will look to see who carries them locally.

I have a F112 supporting the tiny dancers and I 've always been happy with the integration but you 'll have to use the auto-calibration system and keep the volume down on the subwoofer.

I listened to this setup for years in a 12x18 room, but even in my new 24x28 room the f112 can still tear the walls down if necessary.
BTW forgot to mention - the f112 does make an *obvious* and wonderful difference - it adds dramatically to the soundstage and the music gains more weight. And that's the case for pieces without any deep base.

This has been verified by friends who are not audiophiles.