Beatles Love, should I run?

I am considering the purchase of the Beatles Love album on vinyl.

Sometimes when I hear songs that are not in their original format I prefer the original but this has gotten such universal praise that I wonder if maybe I would like it.

Who has heard this and what do you think?

I welcome any comments..

Couldn't agree more on the balance.

In the case of the Beatles the whole was far greater than the sum of the parts.

Semblance of music? Not for me. You could make a case for Debbie Gibson and Donnie Osmond on that premise.
A Day in the Life:
All was John, 'cept for the little "woke up got out of bed, dragged......" that was Paul's contribution so he got to sing it. Yes, Lennon/McCartney's name are on all the Beatle songs, but the one who sang is the one who wrote it. They didn't write the Beatle tunes together. Go back and listen: Yeah, Paul wrote Yesterday (most played song in the world--yeech). Heavy lyrics and complex melody. IMAGINE that?? and speaking of Imagine..
>>the one who sang is the one who wrote it.<<

Not always. These come to mind immediately:

“If I Fell”, written by John, sung by Paul
“I’m Happy Just to Dance With You, written by John, sung by George
“Every Little Thing”, written by Paul, sung by John
“I Don’t Want to Spoil the Party”, written by John, sung by Paul
“Tell Me What You See”, written by Paul, sung by John

I'm sure there's more.

>>They didn't write the Beatle tunes together<<

That's pure crap. More songs were written jointly than individually.

If you take the time to read "Beatlesongs" by William J. Dowlding you'll see that most of the songs were co-authored. Many were not a 50/50 collaboration but the Dowlding book breaks down each song and the percentage contribution made by Lennon and McCartney.

Check it out.
"that's pure crap?" ouch...William J Dowling don't have a clue. co authored on the label not in actuality. Ask George Martin if you don't believe me...relax there big guy. you redline pretty easily...5 songs out of hundreds does not make for a trend.
Once again, as is the case so often Warren, you are simply wrong.

Many sources used by William J. Dowlding (not Dowling, another mistake on your part) include:
Rolling Stone
Big Beat
Hit Parader
Associated Press
Guitar Player
Digital magazine

The bibliography and list of credits are too long to list here.

So whom do we believe? This carefully researched book or a poster offering his own misguided and unsupported opinions?

I'll leave that up to the readers.