When looking at an amp like this, you really can't go by the specs. The reason for this is that there are no standards for measurement. Every company has their own way to measure their amps. Example: Lets say that company A wants to make a 100 watt per channel amp into 8 ohms. One of the factors that goes into the power rating is distortion. In the end, company A settles on 100 watts with an 8 ohm load at 2% distortion.
Now take that exact same amp and give it to company B to measure. B could very well say that their standards are higher than A's. They believe that 2% distortion is way too much; the highest allowable, for their standards is 1%. At 1% distortion, the amp may only put out 50 watts per channel under an 8 ohm load.
Simply put, one company's 100 watts is another company's 50 watts. Also, there are many other factors that go into an amps power rating that are relevant, as well. That's why I say that the Bryston is much more powerful. If you gave the Behringer to Bryston to measure using their standards, my best guess is that they would come up with something around 50 to 75 watts into 8 ohms; maybe even less.
As far as SQ goes, the extra power, along with higher parts quality and better design will completely transform the sound of your whole system in a very positive way.
Now take that exact same amp and give it to company B to measure. B could very well say that their standards are higher than A's. They believe that 2% distortion is way too much; the highest allowable, for their standards is 1%. At 1% distortion, the amp may only put out 50 watts per channel under an 8 ohm load.
Simply put, one company's 100 watts is another company's 50 watts. Also, there are many other factors that go into an amps power rating that are relevant, as well. That's why I say that the Bryston is much more powerful. If you gave the Behringer to Bryston to measure using their standards, my best guess is that they would come up with something around 50 to 75 watts into 8 ohms; maybe even less.
As far as SQ goes, the extra power, along with higher parts quality and better design will completely transform the sound of your whole system in a very positive way.