Berning ZH230 amp

Has anyone had a chance to listen to the new Berning ZH230? The ZH270 garnered a lot of respect and was considered a bargain for the price. Sadly, it is no longer being made, instead we now have the ZH230. 30 watts instead of 70 and twice the price. Is it still a great deal? Would the ZH230 work with a speaker like the Merlin VSM as well as the more powerful ZH270 does?
very excited: Have a ZH230 in my system now warming up, together with my old Bow ZZ8 and a prototype of the new Berning preamp feeding Merlin VSM's; i'll report back, as soon as I actually can say something, as opposed to "sound very good" ;-)
Well i am far into the berning - the simple difference to the elder zh 270 is the finer grain, more perceptible than the difference of power , at least with my vsm mxe's.
Go for it!

What was the retail of the amp when you bought it?

How does it fair to the RWA amp?
I actually own the last Prototype together with a Prototype Pre! It seems disappropriate to discuss money on the web, as anything said, will never disappear; I feel free to describe my feelings about this gear, which in truth, tells more about me, than about the gear - right?

Beside that, I feel, your mentioned sum seems reasonable, as it is an exceptional amp all the way, but, as I said above, I felt that already about the ZH270:
270 is used in my Studio with a Wadia S7i and Stella Opus/Novus Speaker system, they can use the added oomph, and the slightly darker sound of those speakers, whereas the ZH230 goes REALLY well with my VSM MXE.
I can add, although Berning amps never go down, mine did: Or rather a power tube failed. I just want to be fair and give context.
It is supposedly easy on Tubes, but hey, we all die!
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