Best 40 to 50k used speakers

What would you consider the absolute best speakers on the used market, budget 40 to 50k max.Open to any suggestions thanks.

+1 for the MBL 101E Mk II.
I heard them at last year's Highend fair in Munich. It was so much better than anything else I heard so far. Couldn't resist and bought them meanwhile. You need serious amps to drive them, I have the Electrocompaniet AW600 Nemo and am happy with them.
However, it's difficult to get the MBLs used. I looked for a while and then gave up.
Coming from 23 years with Thiel speakers it's very difficult to like Magico or Wilson audio.I do like ATC type of sound and big TAD.Also not a fan of MBL even if i have the budget.