Best 845 tube out there?

I am running a pair of Cary CAD-211AE monoblocks with the standard no-name Chinese tubes shipped by Cary. Whilst I am happy with the sound, I think I should buy a pair of 845's to keep as backup in case something happens to these tubes.

Because I will need to buy FOUR of them, this rules out any tube that sells for stupid money (e.g. vintage RCA 845 tubes).

The only current production 845's I am aware of are:

- Shuguang 845 "standard"
- Shuguang 845B
- Shuguang 845C
- Shuguang PSVANE 845
- KR Audio 845

I have found reviews of the Shuguang 845B and 845C, but there is virtually no information out there on the new Shuguang "psvane" 845. Has anybody heard this valve, and is it a noticable improvement over the 845B and C? Also, what do people think of the KR?
Does anyone have more comments on their experience with Psvane 845-T or the newer 845-TII tubes from Psvane? Any comments on build quality, sound, reliability? Thanks.
I still love the sound of my Psvane 845T tubes after approx. 2 years. One of the original pair died after 12 months and I replaced it with a single. No further problems. I should note, though, that this is the only 845 tube I have ever had fail (my 845 monoblocks are nearly 10 years old).
Thanks for the reply Dopogue.

Can you describe any sound differences or advantages of the Psvane T compared to Shuguang 845B?
Bayreuth, frankly no. It's been too long. I used a couple 845s between the B and the Psvane T, including metal types. I can only say that to me the Psvane 845T was the ultimate, in my system. Made the metal types sound "metallic," as I've noted above :-)
I just received my Psvane WE845 today. I will compare to the Shuguang Nature Series 845. A friend has original RCA 845 that I will be able to hear as well.