Best amp to Partner with Jeff Rowland Criterion

I have a Rowland Crtiterion Preamp and Rowland 312 Power amp. The 312 is amazing in its neutrality and transparancy, but it's NOT the last word in dynamic capability and low end frequency extention. Anyone had a chance to try out other power amps with this world class Pre?
David, I'm thinking that Osvaldo might have a valid point. I'd really be curious to have you listening to my setup. . . X-01 + Criterion + 312 + Vienna Mahler 1.5 is anything but anemic in the bass region. But I have also found that my setup is very sensitive to all forms of cabling and conditioning.
Guido, I think when you say "anemic" you mean something like "weak". Humm... I like the 312's bass region.

And, because of this, I could suggest for anyone who has the 312 and want to change for the mono 925, don't do that and use a biamplification set up with the future 825 and the Model 312. As you, Guido.

And al$$o better in the money way.
Sorry Osvaldo for the confusion, what I meant to say is that in my system, the bass of 312 does not sound weak at all. Last night I put on Dvorak's New World Symphony under Leonard Bernstein and the Israel Philharmonic, and the initial low brass chorale in the 2nd movement was simply hair-raising in its power. . . David, when are you coming for a visit?

An 825 stereo + 312 stereo byamped combination would be very intriguing. . . the only problem is that I have truly no idea when the 825 will be released.