Best bang-for-buck purchase you have made?

For me, it was buying a pair of used Magnepan MG-12 speakers for $550.00 from a dealer in Oregon. I had heard the 1.6 before, but not the smaller 12's. These speakers have TOTALLY changed the way I listen to music - I may eventually upgrade to larger Maggies, but I think I will always keep the 12's around.

What about the rest of you?
Hmm.. It's probably a tie between my purchase of a minty pair of slightly used floor-demo Hales Revelation Two's (Sapele finish) at near dealer-cost from my local dealer when Hales went out of business, or my score of a vintage Pioneer SX-434 receiver for only $10(!) at a neighbor's garage sale last summer, original box included. That little 15 wpc gem has nary a scratch on it and all the lights work perfectly! I just love listening to the quiet FM tuner while basking in the glow of that classic blue dial! I was marvelling at how good my iPod sounds through this little receiver and the phono stage is pretty good, too.. Awesome bang-for-your-buck! And the Hales aren't bad, either ;-) -jz
Monarchy Audio M24 DAC and preamp. My ACI Sapphire XL speakers also make a great bang for the buck.
I think I would vote for Odyssey audio with their mono extreme se amps and the man behind the scene Klaus.
A "Trends Audio" USB to AES/EBU converter for about 200 bucks to attach my laptop to my Zanden DAC. A bit more expensive than the Hagermann, but creating less listener fatigue after long listening bouts, for reasons I still have to find out....