Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair

I had the elac Navis I thought they were very good until I heard the Elac vela Which was much better In almost every aspect I’ve also listened to the Revel  126Be which were absolutely destroyed by the Elac’s.I am downsize my system from Martin Logan electrostats and quad 2905 And would like a bookshelf that would have some of the same attributes of the quads. I listen primarily to jazz and would like to stay under $10,000. (Fast transient  response, resolution/detail, musicality)
I’m driving the system with a PS audio direct stream dac directly connected to a primaLuna evo 300 Power amp. I’m thinking of switching that out possibly for a pass labs 25/30.8, or possibly a benchmark power amp.
Falcon Acoustics LS3/5A for $4K. A faithful recreation of the classic BBC mini-monitor! I have an original pair! 
You haven't lived until you've heard the LS3/5A"s! A true "desert island" speaker!
You just brought back some interesting memories. I was an audio Research Dealer in the 90s and one of my favorite combinations was a D79 tube amp driving a pair of Rogers LS3/5A With Janus subwoofers.I worked with Paul Heath to import the JR 3/5A Loudspeakers from Britain. I am downsizing And just sold my quad And Martin Logan electrostatic loudspeakers and looking for a very good book shelf.  Playing with a pair of Elac Vela’s I am considering Keff  reference 1 or BMW 805 D3
You would have to try these speakers with your existing components, but the persona b when I heard them were amazing. I think the sale's over tho'.
Define best before asking us what the best bookshelf speakers are. I dare you to define it.