Best cartridge for SME 5 Tonearm?

What would be the best cartridge for an SME5 Tonearm,using an SME20 Table....thanks

Anything under $5k (used or new)
Really, that is interesting to know.
I had one dealer who said its not a good match, they carry everthing but SME and the other said, its ok, thanks for the observation. I will definately look into it. I am using the 2M Black and its ok, I know I need a better cartridge since this was just a temporary setup, I do like the Koestu Urushi very much with the SME arm since I have used the Koesto with my SME4 arm before with stunning results and even some of the Grado under $1k did well. I have to look at the more costly Ortofon to see how they work with the SME
Also, maybe I should throw this in once the compatibility is determined....I am looking for a highly detailed but warm sounding cartridge with generous bottom end.

Hope my description is not fuzzy to all. Thanks
You can get highly detailed with a good Ortofon cartridge but you won't get warmth as such unless the recording has that warmth.

If you were just looking for a something that is... highly detailed but warm sounding cartridge with generous bottom end, then i would whole heartedly recommend something from Phase Tech/Phasemation. However those will definitely not work in a magnesium SME arm as they need a heavier arm or the tracking is poor.