Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
worth hearing:
1. richard buckner--our blood. he's moved completely away from his alt-country to a brooding, trancelike nick drake-y thing. great late night listening and a very original voice.
2. smith westerns--dye it blonde. very young buzz band recycling classic 60s (beatles, beach boys, bowie) in a surprisingly tuneful manner. not a great band yet, but you can sense they'll get there.
3. great lakes swimmers--lost channels. really purty, low-key melodic folky rock stuff with a great, keening vocalist. not too far removed from elliott smith and the quieter velvet underground. cool obscuro band.
Loomisjohnson....Love that Richard Buckner album. The best I've heard from him. Great album!
What's a annual "best of" list without Will Oldham in some form or another...

Bonnie "Prince" Billie "Wolfroy Goes To Town"

Love this one. It's on the starker side of his stuff, think "Masters & Everyone" if you are familiar with him. For me, this is his best in many years.

I seriously think Will Oldham is the hardest working dude making records. He's gotta be closing in on some sort of world record for releases in a career. Between Palace, Palace Music, Palace Brothers, BPB, his self titled stuff....I counted 15 in my library and I'd have more but just can't keep up with him! The man has a lot to say!

Marco, this one's for you.