Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
If you add SDI and an external scaler, you're talking about spending
somewhere around $1,500. On the other hand, if you are not married to the
Theta David, you could probably sell it for around $1,200 and replace it with
something like the Denon 3910, which costs around $1,200 (stock). The
Denon 3910 is a universal player and has HDMI, which will also pass the
video signal in digital, saving you a digital to analog conversion, giving you
high quality video. It will also output SACD and DVD-A via Firewire.

Since you could probably sell your Theta for around the same price as the
Denon 3910, it would be a wash and that would conserve your budget for
other things. (You may want to mod the Denon -- I have heard great things
about the APL mods!)

Here is a projector you should put on your list --

Optoma H77
-Ok So I like the projector idea.
-Think 4.1 could make sense for me - But do I under stand that it is simply 4-channels/speakers with a feature that provide a center sound stage?
-Does the Denon mentioned take care of the graininess of the projector image and still allow me to play my CDs on a reasonable listening level?
_What happens if I get rid of my Jadis? What 4.1 receiver could i get for under 2k used - or I am I crazy to go there?
Using a projector will be a big plus, I had my 55" Rptv between my speakers when I first went multichannel but switched to a projector a good while ago. This was a huge improvement in soundfield and gave me much better center channel options.

My system works fine with and without center channel in my large room, I have listened both ways many times...using my center sounds better every time I make the switch back.

I also play a lot of multichannel music on my system, I prefer the use of my center channel.

Many reasons not to use a center speaker and just as many reasons why you should. In the end...go with what works for you and your room/system.

I use a pre/pro for decoding movies and multichannel music playback along with a two channel tubed preamp for stereo only playback in a unity gain configuration.

You could keep the Jadis (if it's doing a good job) and only add a 3-channel amp along with a pre/pro...the Jadis would be used for all 2-channel listening as in my system. Speak with Jadis regarding that option.

I suggest two subs (I use three)...don't buy hometheater subs for a combined music/movie type of will not be happy as they will sound out of place when used with music...

As for "adding speakers", I recommend against it, unless they are clones for your mains. It's never good otherwise, nor believeable sonically. Tonal changes shift from side to side, and it's distracting, pulling you out of the movie. I vote away from adding mis-matched speakers, and even staying with 2.
The other choice is to get 5 matching high quality speakers, which you also like for your music needs. This is a bit more tricky. For you, I'd just do the 2 mains (no one will complain, trust me), cross over to a good pre/pro and subwoofer, and you're done.
As for projector, this is really the only way to go for high end home theater.
May I highly suggest, if you have the room, to look into used CRT front projetors! These big beasts can weigh between 110-230lbs, but still produce the best world class pic you can get basically! Black is black, best contrast, no scan lines/pixel when done right, and they're dirt cheep comparatively now.
Because they're almost obsolete new, you can pick up a superb referbished unit, or one with low hours for less than 10% of original cost most often! You can pick up a world class 720p capable projector for $1000-2500 if you look carefully. The guy's, Curt Palme, and the sharktech guy's all have some good deals, back up and service what they sell, and know they're stuff.
Otherwise, your compromises are Single chip DLP "rainbows/color flash distractions/headaches for some, and "washed out blacks" for LCD. Lcos needs to come down in price, but that's a good technology substitute. Otherwise, 3 chip DLP is way expensive. Thus CRT makes the best pic for the buck, hands down...if you can deal with the size.
good luck