Best Component Ever, for the money

The other thread with this title was corrupted in its inception. Let's do this one with NO cables, power cords, isolation devices or tweaks. My vote goes to the Connoisseur turntable (integrated with arm). I don't have it anymore and you shouldn't be able to find one for sale. High end perspective for $150.
That's IT Schubert! That's the table and exact cartridge (mine was a 91e, though, no d) I bought my self in 1969. I think it was a little more than $65 by then, but not much. It replaced a Garrard SL55, my first table. My amp was a Fisher X-100c, speakers AR 4x's, their cheapest.
Great minds think alike bdp24 !
At one time I worked for the nations biggest Klipsch dealer who was also a very big B&O dealer when their TT’s were a must have in yuppy-dom .
They were quite expensive for that time and I listened to them all day every
day .
One day I brought my AR in to work and swapped in the place of the top B&O with the big corner Klipschorns. It TOTALLY wiped out the expensive B&O and the other guys working there about wet their pants , The AR really
took the base on the big horns to a whole other plane .
The one thing I would most like to hear is the current big Klipsch with the improved crossovers. Even then it was a hell of a speaker  as rough and ready as it was.
My vote would go to The bottle head beepre. 1300 USD. it absolutely killed a vacuum state svp2 in my system. The retail on that was around 7K I believe. Next I would vote for the ET 2 tonearm.