Best DAC for around $2,500 or less

What are your opinions on the best DAC for under $2,500?  Looking at the Schiit Yggy or many of recommend Denafrips so looking at their Pontus.  Any thoughts on how these two compare?  It might be misguided by I tend to think your getting a little more for your money with a direct to consumer company like Schiit and I know they are highly regarded for their DACS.  Anything else to look at in this price range? 
Mine was the original with 4490EQ chip.
Don't get me wrong, I truly enjoyed the RME and used it for almost 2 years.
It is a wonderful piece for the price. So is the Audio Mirror.
The RME dac is crystal clear & allows "peering into" the music due to the extreme detail.
Also sound could be tailored to some degree.

I did not use an outboard power supply.
From what I read the RME dac has a very sophisticated internal power supply.

I do understand that power supply quality & implementation is a large part of the SQ provided by any dac.
So, I take your point

In fact I did just upgrade the power supply on my Linear Tube MICROzotl amp and immediately noticed a sizable improvement to SQ.

My opinion is that the Toubador just sounds more like music to me.
Of course hat is only MY opinion.
Continue to enjoy the ADI 2dac!
Initial review of RMI ADI-2 DAC FS:

I have to agree with some of the comments here - this is a very underrated unit, at least if you are going to use it via balanced outputs. As a point of comparison, I find it a more engaging than the Ayre Codex and likely pretty competitive with the Chord units short of the DAVE.
+1 for Chord Qutest

However, you really have to use a better DC power supply for it. Forget about the stock wall plug.
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