Best DACs under $7,000.00

I'm tentatively beginning the search for a DAC upgrade.  Currently, I have Innuos Zen MK3 as a streamer connected via USB to a Denafrips Iris DDC that is connected via I2S to a Denafrips Pontus II DAC.  The Pontus II is excellent but I feel it's the one point where I could gain incremental improvement toward that illusive natural, layered, analog end-of-the-rainbow.  I simply can't / won't spend above $5,000.00 - $7,000.00 on the DAC. The rest of my system:  top-of-line Prima Luna Evo 400 Integrated Amp and a set of Harbeth speakers.  Right now, I'm looking at Denafrips Terminator II or Holo Audio May DAC.  I've never seen an a/b comparison of these two, but both stand out and have a following.  Of course, the unsettling thing is DACs have evolved so much and are still in a blooming state technologically, making it a given that whatever we have today will probably be surpassed by better for less later, like electric vehicles. But that's the nature of the beast.  Does anyone have alternative suggestions in this current climate?


Yes, several broke the $ limit and would be eliminated off my short list of these.

As I was looking over the summary list, I realized that I left one out that was mentioned:

Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC

I’ve taken the list and am going through each one to create a "Top 5". I’ll let that sit for a while and then loop back. I know many of these DACs would give excellent performance, so deciding just one is tough. The price does influence.


Not at all to diminish Phastm3s post, a thorough comparison is extremely valuable.  But just understand that is with his ears, in his room, and his system. Another might do the same comparison and come to a different conclusion.

To vthokie83

Thanks and so true.  You could add the type of music you are most drawn to.  Some people build their system around natural acoustics and deep jazz.  Some build around electronica and high bass drive.  That's what makes finding the best fit for your DAC more than a simple answer.  Thanks.

The Holo May is a very good sounding DAC but only in NOS mode while being fed a massively oversampled signal from HQPlayer or something similar. This is when it starts to pull away from the others IMO in terms of front to back realism and true to life tone. I would avoid its internal OS modes.

Find it interesting that the Swiss made Merason DAC-1 is not on the radar. 

I did demo one of these in my home a 2 years ago and was impressed. Tad warm but very clear, detailed and great separation. 

This just popped into my head, that happens a lot after having a mini stroke from to many shots to the head playing hockey for 45 + years. 

Sorry should have thought of it sooner.