Best Floorstanding Speaker under $1000 USD

Which floorstanding speakers within the $1,000 USD (both brand new & pre-owned) price range deserve your vote? Drop a line here and explain why they deserve your vote! =)
In addition ot all the above, they may be hard to find but a used pair of Ruark Talisman ll would be an excellent choice too.
Meadowlark Swifts, this is a tough price point, these offer a lot for the money. Meadowlark is announcing a new line of very affordable speakers which has a three-way floorstander for somewhere around $1200, it would be worth scratching up the extra $200 for the full range depth you'll get at this price point. Meadowlark value at it's best.
Holy Grail Audio
I'll second the Vandersteens. I probably would have bought a pair of 2CE Sigs myself if they'd have passed the WAF test...