Best Floorstanding Speaker under $1000 USD

Which floorstanding speakers within the $1,000 USD (both brand new & pre-owned) price range deserve your vote? Drop a line here and explain why they deserve your vote! =)
Meadowlark Swifts, this is a tough price point, these offer a lot for the money. Meadowlark is announcing a new line of very affordable speakers which has a three-way floorstander for somewhere around $1200, it would be worth scratching up the extra $200 for the full range depth you'll get at this price point. Meadowlark value at it's best.
Holy Grail Audio
I'll second the Vandersteens. I probably would have bought a pair of 2CE Sigs myself if they'd have passed the WAF test...
My reading room is 12' by 20' This is for my 3rd secondary system. It will be an audio setup only which plays mostly vocal & jazz, seldom calssical.