Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: I need technical help:

Could I use a 4-pin radial instead 2-pin radial? in case I can do it please let me know in what way I have to wire the 4-pin to function as a 2-pin cap.

Thank's in advance, appreciated your advise/support.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Hi: I imagine rthat knowing that many of you are not only engineers but with very high technical knowledge levels is " weird " that till today no one gives me the asked help on caps: 4-pin to 2-pin operation/conversion.

I don't think that no one knows about.

My email:

Again, thanks in advance and appreciated.

Dear friends: Always exist people willing to help or give an advise.

Things are that after the two caps set up at each speaker woofer crossover a gentleman " cross my life " and gaves me and advise for use not two but only one film caps, obviously that his advise is not for expensive " junkie " caps but for something similar of the ones I'm testing.

Of course that after my internet research finally I found out and bougth it and I think next week I could  make its set up if I already finished the two caps woofers evaluation.

I have to say that I never imagine, even that I looked at, to find out these 100uf caps.
