Dear friends: In the mid-range crossover I used 4 caps in parallel and only in the band-pass/tweeter filters used single caps. The manufacturers in the choosed models are way limited in the values they handle.
Dear friends : Even that I'm truly satisfied with the very high quality levels that the speakers crossovers caps did it and that I already know for sure no other caps can outperforms it I'm tempted to start a new " adventure " and try a new passive alternative ( at least new for me. ) but I'm truly ignorant about, please let me explain and obviously that if some of you think that is a better alternative then I appreciate the whole advice on it: I know that I can use inductors instead capacitors. Do you think is a good " thing " to make at least a test? if does not works I always can return to caps. In case that the inductor alternative can be a good option I need advice ( because as I said: I'm ignorant on the issue. ) how to do it and warnings/precautions about. As I said your know how and skills are welcomed and appreciated. Thank's in advance. Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS, R. |
Dear friends: I think this link belongs to this thread: Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS, R. |