Best High Current amplifiers stable into low impedances

Seems like all I hear when reading Stereophile’s measurements when it comes to speakers: must be used with a High current amplifier stable at 2 Ohm. Most amplifiers rarely give specs related to 2 ohm loads. Most amplifiers are only stable into 8 and 4 ohm loads, and if they mention 2 ohm it seems they aren’t saying continuous, but peak, short term power.
With speakers becoming more complex and harder to drive, what are some high current amplifiers that have no problem with these 2 ohm or lower impedance speakers?


Here is another new amp that doubles down in Class A and is not big and heavy.

Rei | WestminsterLab

It uses similar tech as the new KRELL iBias way of doing Class A. Not real Class A as stated by companies like Gryphon.

@secretguy So a classic speaker like the Thiel CS3.7 is really improperly designed?




There are a lot of 90's amps that can provide high current.

A bunch have been mentioned. Krell, Parasound, McCormack...

Aragon is also one that can supply high-current loads. I sold my 8008BB to a guy who had some Martin Logans, and he loved what that amp did for his speakers.

Personally, I am using Aragon Palladium 2's paired with a tube preamp to drive a set of Magnepans.

Not mentioned are spectral amps.  Had the studio model and drove anything including Maggie panels.   Sold the system when I downsized.  Lack of dealers, slow and picky customer service were the reason not to go back to the brand

we can talk amps that can deliver gobs of current into low impedance loads (op's query asks for what's best in terms of 'stability into 2 or 4 ohm loads')

but separately we can also talk about amps that sound terrific doing so

b is very much a subset of a, let’s not mistake that

speakers like thiels maggies etc need the power/current but they are also very revealing of the sonic quality of what is being fed to them

solving for a does not necessarily solve for b, for best performance, need both