I have been waiting and waiting to pick up a used Blue Circle MR 1200, but so far, nada... i am reaching the end of my patience... does anyone have other suggestions for a good power/line conditioner (new or used) in that general price range (UNDER $600). This is for AUDIO use only on a mainly ANALOG system, need at least 6 jacks, and prefer an ACTIVE unit with an ON/OFF switch. thanks to anyone with any advice.
Dave, I have used a Transcendent Power Conditioner with excellent results. The item is available in kit or factory build. The results best other conditioners that are better advertised. New they are about $400.00. They rarely come up on audiogon and when they do they go quickly. Bruce builds great items. Hope this helps. Steve
Before you dive into the 'line conditioning' game, may I ask what kind of power cords you are using? I tried the Blue Circle 1200 and didn't like what it did to my amp (dynamics were hindered) so I didn't go for it.

I've achieved outstanding results with upgrading power cords and addressing power distribution (power strip) issues.

Consider power cords and power distribution your fundamental starting point. Once you are settled and happy there, then you have a strong foundation to work with and may consider line conditioning. In my experience, power conditioners have more trade offs than benefits, but it all depends what your priorities are.
PS Audio UPC 200.
Installed mine 2 days ago.Absolutely superior to no powerconditioning.The difference is also not suttle,quite marked,to my surprise.No restriction of dynamics,actually more dynamic sounding,compared too without.Active but no switch.Use for my AA Prima cd player and The Gryphon Callisto 2100 int amp.Powercords, Signal Magic Power.Digital Reference to the Prima and powercord to the Callisto.
How the UPC 200 would compare too similar priced brands,I would not know.
A bit off topic, but a big thanks to Edlchiang62 for mentioning the ADCOM. I had never heard of it. I live in an old house without grounded outlets. so no MOV based surge supressors for me. I am using a "Brick Wall" for my audio system, but "Brick Wall" doesn't have anything with coax or telco protection. The ADCOM does, and is not MOV based, so I will be able to use this for my Video / Computer.
The Blue Circle MR1200 is great for what it does for your source components. I use one and still plug the amp into the wall. (Disclaimer... I also sell them).

If you want current, then the MR2400