best mach for SB venere 1.5

HI guys ,I really tried not to start new thread but couldn't find answers im looking.
let me start of by saying im new to audiophile systems ,im kinda trying to start in slow and live my childhood dreams. I recently bought SF venere after listening speakers that I always thought are interesting (dynaudio xeo 3,ML motion 15 and 20,B&W cm1 and pm 1,as well as cm 5 ,old 602 s3.i was planning to listen to dynaudio x12 and paradigm studio 20 but when i heard sf's i just fell in love.(its not strange after coming from old jbl venue 10 pushed by sony avr and my ochildhood system which was akai integrated amp and pioneer s310 speakers.)
now i need to get amplification that will be most suitable for them.budget is 2000$ it will be fed by my mac mini as all my cds and vinyl is in Europe and i have evryting on my hdds here in America.that been said i was looking in some integrated amps such as krell si300,elecrtocompanient pi2 ,hegel h 80,parasound combo p5 and a21.integrated dac was my preference bcs i cant afford stand alone if i by something on the top of my budget but im open to i listen to goes from classical to dead metal but most of my time i listen to harder stuff.listenig room is my living room not to big maybe 20m3 but really broken up in shape with carpet all around. Also if u can put some words on cables on the budget i would appreciate it a loooot.newbie
For low level listening I think your speakers would benefit greatly dynamics wise form the exposure's all there. On the other hand as you turn the volume up the Hegel will get the most out of your speakers filling the room with sound. The Hegel really does take about 150 -200 hours before the bass kicks in. Once it does though it's as good as any class d amp I have tried. The Hegel H80 may actually be a better sounding amp because it has a really good dac built in, better than the H100, but has no pre outs for a sub. If you get it don't be surprised if the sound is very thin at first, it takes a while to break in. What are your music tastes by the way? I listen to a lot of electronic music and acoustic vocals. The Hegel is far more refined and fantastic for acoustic material, electronic landscape music, and is very 3d. The exposure just gives you more grunt and is faster, the lower end is not as defined as the Hegel but it's more there at lower levels. The Exposure is very forgiving of sub par material, the Hegel sounds more refined when giving any thing CD level and up. If you went the Exposure route the Shit Bitfrost is a perfect match.. got mine for $300.
Djverne makes some really good points that may ultimately drive your final decision. I think your findings with the Rogue amps was revealing in that the Cronus is a fuller sounding amp while the Sphinx is voiced a little leaner. The Veneres are not a terribly difficult load -- the manufacturer told me they did this on purpose as at their price level they expect many to drive them with midfi receivers -- so I think it is this voicing difference more than a lack of "power" per se that you were hearing. My guess is the Exposure and Hegel are voiced maybe a little closer to the Cronus, so your choice may come down to whether you prefer a more visceral/driving upfront experience (Exposure) or the relatively more detailed, open, 3D presentation of the Hegel. As you're relatively new to this hobby/affliction the dimensional/depth aspects are things you might not be attuned to as much until you hear it on very good systems that are well set up in a good room -- or maybe you'll wind up not caring about those things at all as lots of audiophiles don't. Think of it as the difference between sitting in the first few rows of a performance where everything is right in front of you and very present versus sitting further back where individual sounds aren't quite as prominent but you have a better perspective or view of the entire soundstage in the context of the recording venue. I would say that if you find the Hegel and Exposure to sound very similar then go with the Hegel as down the road you may end up appreciating its added dimensional capabilities, and of course it has the DAC too. But, strive to keep that memory of the sound of the Cronus in mind as you hear the others as a triangulation approach can be very helpful in more clearly identifying important differences and ultimately making the best decision. You certainly have three very fine options thus far to choose from. Again, best of luck.
thanks guys a lot of help .i listen everything but most of my time is in metal music,mostly gothic and doom,which has a lot of orchestrations and female vocals ,my favorite band has 18 permanent members 10 of them are classical instruments so that been said u can have and idea i like mix of classical and metal,and i also play piano so i do love to listen to classic.i must say after listening rouge i decided to update all my digital library that is here with me in usa,so i already started getting my fav in flac as i notice that match with any good amp venere will definitely show any imperfections in a source(in my case mac mini)difference was astonishing comparing 2 of my all time fav songs in flac and mp3 .
soix as u pointed out I'm fairly new to this pursuit of "sound of silence " ,if i can say like that, but I'm definitely more into details and depth ,i like to feel that I'm there while they were recording it .
someone also told me that ayre ax7e would be good match and one just popped up whit in my budget ?
again thanks for all the help
After months of searching testing i got a deal on h200 i couldn't pass after demoing it with speakers and i must say it works like charm ,it has so much bottom control and depth i couldn't believe it was my speakers i heard ,stage is wider then rogue for sure and just all in all more of everything .as my dealer said u gonna be broke but happy .now search for dac and cabling continues in this never ending quest
Congrats. Nice amp and great that you got to demo it. Always a good thing.