best monitor speaker under $2000


since im just a beginner with tight budget, im wondering about the best overall sound for my rotel ra 1062.
maybe someone could help me out.

Depends on your room size, musical tastes, listening preferences, etc.

Speakers are probably THE most subjective component in any system.

As mentioned by the others, you need to get out and hear as many different types as possible, so you can at least tell us what you do and don't like in brands. A few examples and I'm sure everyone can come up with some great suggestions.
tight budget? Buy used. Used Spendor S3/5 SE's for maybe $700---great speakers; you can upgrade your electronics around them a lot & not out grow them. Used Totem 1 Sigs. for maybe $1K.

At some point you may want to upgrade the Rotel, so don't blow your whole wad (so to speak) on speakers.....
By all means, buy used. You can get some (gently) used 2-3 year old speakers for 1/2 of their original cost. And, providing they are well-made to begin with, you'll get another 20-25 years of use out of them.

Then, take all that money you saved and use it to purchase the best quality source material you can find. Your ears will thank you profusely!

Check Tyler Linbrook speakers in Agon. You may be lucky if the sellers are nearby in local pickup distance.
Listening's not going to do you any good if you're not listening through your Rotel. The Rotel is very difficult to match with speakers IMHO.